Mollie Advanced Pay Setup

Download & Setup

Setting up a website profile in Mollie payments website

When in your newly setup dashboard, we first need to setup a website profile. From the side bar naviagte to settings >> Website profile

  • Fill out your business details and add the site where your site lives.

  • Then select your payments you'd like to accept.

  • Personalize your checkout

Getting your mollie API Keys

  • From the side bar go to Developers >> API Keys. to grab you live and test keys

Mollie Advanced Pay Plugin Configuration

  • Navigate to your Joomla 4 >> Plugins section and search for "Mollie"

  • Click into "Mollie Advanced - CommerceLab Shop"

  • This is where you'll be entering your "Sandbox" credentials you saved then toggle the switch to "Live mode"

  • Add your test webhook end point secret

  • Leave "User Browser Locale?" Leave as yes. This is for advanced usage

  • Remember to turn live mode off for testing. Save & Close

The Mollie Advanced element

Naviage to your checkout page. In your YOOtheme page builder under "COMMERCELAB PAYMENT (ADVANCED)" elements you can find your MOllie Advnaced element and drag this on to your page. To begin the setup and testing.

  • Drag this onto to your checkout page and begin configuring tests on your checkout.

Last updated